The Certified Internal Auditor® (CIA®) is the land mark Certification in the profession of Internal Audit issued and administer by the Institute of Internal Auditors "the IIA".
Role of Edcribe:
We provide high quality extensive coaching to help you pass the CIA Exams.
All classes are live and completely interactive means students can raise their questions during the class.
You will never miss a class and if for any reasons you may unable to attend the class access will be provided to recordings.
Our faculty is CIA qualified and they have developed the coaching strategy designed to pass the CIA exams.
Cost of service is best in the market starting from $20 per Hour.
We offer both scheduled classes for CIA Exams and coaching on demand.
Our Teaching Strategy
For CIA Certification we are selecting and teaching best course available in the market.
All live classes are 1 to 1, therefore the teacher can adjust the pace of lecture as per your individual requirements.
Extensive coaching [30 Hours per Part] will be provided means we will cover complete book from first page to the last page.
We teach students in very small groups of two to three in order to address the educational and conceptual needs at the personal level.
Students have the facility to raise clear their questions during the class.
All Classes will be live and Interactive (same like a physical classroom) means no recording and no one way communication.7
Page by Page explanation of the book along with practice questions so that students can master the concepts during the class.
Chapter wise highly targeted and summarized notes will be provided at the end of each chapter.
We are proud to present you our experiences and qualified instructors who are in a perfect position to deliver high quality coaching using one the leading CIA review course available in the market.
If for any reasons you failed to attend the class limited access will be provided to the class recordings.
Study Material
Gleim CIA Review: The Most Widely Used CIA Exam Prep Materials
Edcribe has selected Geim CIA Review System as primary source of study material.
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As per our search, we understand that the IIA does not disclose the passing rate for CIA Exams. However reviewing various discussion forums and taking references from different course provider we can found that the estimated passing rate hovers around 50%*.
* Please note that sources has not been officially verified form the IIA.
CIA Exam Syllabus Part 1
The new CIA exam Part 1 topics tested include aspects of mandatory guidance from the IPPF; internal control and risk concepts; as well as tools and techniques for conducting internal audit engagements. Note: All items in this section of the syllabus will be tested at the Proficiency knowledge level unless otherwise indicated below.
I. Mandatory Guidance (35-45%)
Definition of Internal Auditing
Define purpose, authority, and responsibility of the internal audit activity
Code of Ethics
Abide by and promote compliance with The IIA Code of Ethics
International Standards
Comply with The IIA's Attribute Standards
Determine if the purpose, authority, and responsibility of the internal audit activity are documented in audit charter, approved by the Board and communicated to the engagement clients
Demonstrate an understanding of the purpose, authority, and responsibility of the internal audit activity
Maintain independence and objectivity
Foster independence
Understand organizational independence
Recognize the importance of organizational independence
Determine if the internal audit activity is properly aligned to achieve organizational independence
Foster objectivity
Establish policies to promote objectivity
Assess individual objectivity
Maintain individual objectivity
Recognize and mitigate impairments to independence and objectivity
Determine if the required knowledge, skills, and competencies are available
Understand the knowledge, skills, and competencies that an internal auditor needs to possess
Identify the knowledge, skills, and competencies required to fulfill the responsibilities of the internal audit activity
Develop and/or procure necessary knowledge, skills and competencies collectively required by the internal audit activity
Exercise due professional care
Promote continuing professional development
Develop and implement a plan for continuing professional development for internal audit staff
Enhance individual competency through continuing professional development
Promote quality assurance and improvement of the internal audit activity
Monitor the effectiveness of the quality assurance and improvement program
Report the results of the quality assurance and improvement program to the board or other governing body
Conduct quality assurance procedures and recommend improvements to the performance of the internal audit activity
II. Internal Control / Risk (25-35%) - Awareness Level (A)
Types of Controls (e.g., preventive, detective, input, output, etc.)
Management Control Techniques
Internal Control Framework Characteristics and Use (e.g., COSO, Cadbury)
Develop and implement an organization-wide risk and control framework
Alternative Control Frameworks
Risk Vocabulary and Concepts
Fraud Risk Awareness
Types of fraud
Fraud red flags
III. Conducting Internal Audit Engagements - Audit Tools and Techniques (25-35%)
Data Gathering (Collect and analyze data on proposed engagements):
Review previous audit reports and other relevant documentation as part of a preliminary survey of the engagement area
Develop checklists/internal control questionnaires as part of a preliminary survey of the engagement area
Conduct interviews as part of a preliminary survey of the engagement area
Use observation to gather data
Conduct engagement to assure identification of key risks and controls
Evaluate Relevance, Sufficiency, and Competence of Evidence
Identify potential sources of evidence
CIA Exam Syllabus Part 2
The new CIA exam Part 2 topics tested include managing the internal audit function via the strategic and operational role of internal audit and establishing a risk-based plan; the steps to manage individual engagements (planning, supervision, communicating results, and monitoring outcomes); as well as fraud risks and controls. Note: All items in this section of the syllabus will be tested at the Proficiency knowledge level unless otherwise indicated below.
I. Managing the Internal Audit Function (40-50%)
Strategic Role of Internal Audit
Initiate, manage, be a change catalyst, and cope with change
Build and maintain networking with other organization executives and the audit committee
Organize and lead a team in mapping, analysis, and business process improvement
Assess and foster the ethical climate of the board and management
Investigate and recommend resolution for ethics/compliance complaints, and determine disposition of ethics violations
Maintain and administer business conduct policy (e.g., conflict of interest), and report on compliance
Educate senior management and the board on best practices in governance, risk management, control, and compliance
Communicate internal audit key performance indicators to senior management and the board on a regular basis
Coordinate IA efforts with external auditor, regulatory oversight bodies and other internal assurance functions
Assess the adequacy of the performance measurement system, achievement of corporate objective - Awareness Level (A)
Operational Role of IA
Formulate policies and procedures for the planning, organizing, directing, and monitoring of internal audit operations
Review the role of the internal audit function within the risk management framework
Direct administrative activities (e.g., budgeting, human resources) of the internal audit department
Interview candidates for internal audit positions
Report on the effectiveness of corporate risk management processes to senior management and the board
Report on the effectiveness of the internal control and risk management frameworks
Maintain effective Quality Assurance Improvement Program
Establish Risk-Based IA Plan
Use market, product, and industry knowledge to identify new internal audit engagement opportunities
Use a risk framework to identify sources of potential engagements (e.g., audit universe, audit cycle requirements, management requests, regulatory mandates)
Establish a framework for assessing risk
Rank and validate risk priorities to prioritize engagements in the audit plan
Identify internal audit resource requirements for annual IA plan
Communicate areas of significant risk and obtain approval from the board for the annual engagement plan
The new CIA exam Part 3 topics tested include governance and business ethics; risk management; organizational structure, including business processes and risks; communication; management and leadership principles; information technology and business continuity; financial management; and the global business environment. Note: All items in this section of the syllabus will be tested at the Awareness knowledge level unless otherwise indicated below.
When you are ready to begin the exam, the system will advise you of the time that you have to complete the exam. The time allotted for each actual exam is as follows:
Number of Questions
Test Time
Part 1
125 multiple choice questions
2 hours and 30 minutes
Part 2
100 multiple choice questions
2 hours
Part 3
100 multiple choice questions
2 hours
Scoring and understanding your results
Each question contributes to your final test score and is pretested to ensure statistical validity. There is no penalty for incorrect responses or guessing, so it is to your advantage to attempt to respond to every question in the exam. Your raw score is calculated based on the number of questions that you answer correctly and then converted to a reporting scale that ranges from 250 to 750 points. A score of 600 or higher on this scale is required to pass an IIA exam.
If you achieve a passing score, your score report will only indicate that you passed. No numeric score will be reported. If you do not pass the test, the score report will indicate the numeric score that you received. This will let you know how close you were to achieving the required 600 points. Failing candidates also receive an indication of their performance on each major exam topic area or domain. This will let you know the topics areas on which you performed well and those on which you need improvement.